Kitkat × Netflix The Ultimate Break: Win Free Merchandise [Lot No. Added]

Kitkat Netflix Contest

Free Merchandise from Netflix Kitkat Ultimate Break Contest

Kitkat×Netflix Contest, Kitkat Netflix The Ultimate Break Contest, Kitkat Netflix Free Merchandise: Nestle India is running a promotional program called “KITKAT The Ultimate Break Promo” where you can win KITKAT x NETFLIX merchandise. The program is valid from June 1st, 2024 to June 30th, 2024 and is open to residents of India (excluding Tamil Nadu). Users already won Free iPhone 15 from Kitkat Contest, which we have posted. Now, Win Free Merchandise from Kitkat Netflix Offer.

To participate, you need to purchase a special KITKAT 38.5g or 57g pack and look for a unique 10-digit code under the wrapper. Then, send an SMS with the code to a designated number (likely provided on the wrapper or in-store promotional materials). You will receive a confirmation SMS with a link to a website.

100 winners will be chosen daily throughout the program period for all of India except Tamil Nadu. Here’s how you can participate and sweeten your break time.

How to Participate in Kitkat Netflix The Ultimate Break Contest?

  1. Grab a KITKAT: Purchase a special KITKAT 38.5g or 57g pack with the promotional offer.
  2. Find the Code: Unwrap your KITKAT® and locate the unique 10-digit code (the “lot code”) printed under the wrapper. This is your key to entering the contest. You can use Lot Code from below.
  3. Scan and Enter: Locate the QR code on the wrapper and scan it using your smartphone camera. This will take you to the program’s website or Visit from here: Kitkat Netflix The Ultimate Break Contest Page
  4. Confirmation and Entry: After entring code, You’ll receive a confirmation message on the website, and your entry will be automatically added to the daily lucky draw.
OfferFree Merchandise
Validity1st June to 30th June
Lot Code41160454C1

Important Dates and Details:

  • Promo Period: The KITKAT The Ultimate Break Promo runs from June 1st, 2024 to June 30th, 2024. Don’t miss out – get your entries in before July 1st!
  • Winner Selection: For most of India, 100 winners will be chosen daily throughout the program period using a randomizer. In Tamil Nadu, winners will be selected based on the creativity of their answers to the question on the program website. The selection will happen at the program’s end.
  • Winning a Prize: Winners will be notified via SMS and will need to provide their KYC (Know Your Customer) details on a microsite to claim their prize. Winners can expect to receive their prizes within 30 days of the program ending.
  • One Shot per Number: You can only participate and win once per mobile number during the entire program period.

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Alamdar Chaudhari

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I am Dr.Alamdar Chaudhari (John Cena), The Doctor & Owner of The coolzTricks. I am Obsessed With Wordpress , Google Adsense , Writing Articles About Online Shopping Offers, Deals , Amazon Sales Deals. I Mostly Post About Earn Money Deals & Methods Online. Follow Me On Instagram

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